About this event
Midwestern Council (MC, MCSCC) is again co-sponsoring W-W races #4 and #5 with our friends at Western Michigan Region (WMR) of SCCA on Father's Day weekend at Grattan Raceway, Belding, MI. This event is open to all MCSCC competitors meeting SCCA safety regulations. Full details can be found on the WMR MSR page for the event at the link below. Listed below are notable rule differences and specific information for MC members interested in attending.
Please join us at Grattan Raceway June 14 and 15 for an event co-sanctioned by Western Michigan Region (WMR) of SCCA and Midwestern Council (MCSCC. MC)! It's 2 championship points races #4 and #5 for MC and a double Regional for SCCA. Please help us support MC racing at Grattan with your entry! Plus it's your chance to race in a joint event with your peers at WMR. Online registration will be available through the WMR SCCA Grattan competitor entry page on MSR (link above).
Volunteer Staff Info
WMR being the local organization was kind enough to take the lead on staffing, but like everybody they are short on volunteers. All MC staff in all specialties are welcome, and it's a great chance to see how the other groups work. WMR and MCSCC are absorbing the weekend membership fee for all MC staff and MCSCC will cover any camping fees. Plus the usual free lunches and Saturday feast of course - WMR takes great pride in a Big Feed! Staff registration is available through the WMR SCCA Grattan volunteer entry page on MSR.
Competitor Info
We have worked closely with our WMR friends to be as inclusive as possible, however there are some restrictions. Only Full, Instructor, and Novice licenses are accepted. All entrants must be SCCA members, however, any MCSCC member who is not an SCCA member can purchase a weekend membership right on MSR while registering for the event (about $25 cost). Any crew member wishing to be on pit lane (hot pits) also must be an SCCA member. They can also purchase a weekend membership. Other crew and spectators need not be SCCA members.
SCCA does not have a Vintage run group, so eligible Vintage drivers (i.e. MC licensed) are welcome to attend, but must run in their respective MC or SCCA class.
WMR SCCA will be listing all unique MC classes in addition to their own classes. MC drivers are encouraged to register for their normal MC class to retain MC season points. All unique MC classes will be added to the most appropriate SCCA group. Due to the different class groupings used for SCCA regionals, you may end up running with different classes/cars than you would during a normal MC weekend. Since the combination of cars makes it hard to estimate group sizes, classes may be moved between groups as we see pre-registrations. The final groupings will be set before the close of registration, though the Chief Steward always has the right to alter groupings. Please remember to check the event flyer/supps near the event date.
One practice unique to WMR is that ALL competitiors must report to Impound immediately after their Qualifying and Race sessions.
Tech Requirements (IMPORTANT) Updates below regarding waivers for non-safety items.
All SCCA SAFETY requirements must be met. 98% of our rules are the same but there are important differences that may affect some MC cars.
- Roll cages with 2 side bars and an electrical (master) kill switch for all classes.
- Closed cars require an SFI window net (expired date OK) that drops down.
- Fire systems are required for all classes except T3, T4, STL, SM, Bspec, and IT.
If you have any questions and/or are worried about meeting SCCA safety requirements, please contact the Competition Director, Jared Cromas (630-464-5999, mc-integra111@sbcglobal.net).
SCCA will grant waivers for a few non-safety related rules for MC cars. If questioned about these items, make sure to tell tech you are an MCSCC crossover entrant.
- MC cars will NOT be required to have fuel sampling ports.
- MC cars will not be required to have forward facing video cameras (GoPro, etc). That said, they are stronlgy recomended so if you do have a camera, please equip it for this race.
- MC formula and sports racing cars will not be required to have the new FIA rain light. That said, they are strongly recomended, so if you are planning on switching, please do so before this race.
***NEW*** ALL cars will need an SCCA logbook, which means you may need to bring your car to tech.
1) If you do NOT have an SCCA logbook = You MUST bring your car and MC logbook to tech and be issued an SCCA logbook. Please let the Competition Director (contact above) if you fall into this category so SCCA can plan their resources accordingly.
2) If you have an SCCA logbook but NO annual = You MUST bring your car and both logbooks to tech.
3) If you have an SCCA logbook AND an annual (either in the MC or SCCA logbooks) = You do NOT need to bring your car to tech, only gear and the logbooks.
WMR Timing & Scoring (T&S) will time all cars and the race results and trophies will include all cars. WMR and MCSCC will calculate final points based on our respective entries and classes. MCSCC will correct the class and point results to compensate for drivers of MCSCC classes that do not have an SCCA equivalent (ex. ST2). Drivers registered under MC licenses will receive full MC championship points. The first MC finisher in a class receives 25 points, 2nd MC finisher 20 points etc., even if SCCA cars were ahead of them at the checker.
Friday Practice
There is a track-run open practice day Friday. If you are interested see the Grattan website (http://grattanracewaypark-mx.com/schedule/) and call the track for details (616-691-7221). They need enough participants to pay the bills, so if you are interested, call and book your spot to let them know there is enough interest. It is also worth calling a few days ahead to make sure they got enough participants.
We hope you will be able to support this event & help make it a success!